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A goblin, a horrid little creature, with a face of greeny brown._Huge, hairy eyebrows that
The Humour of a Tumour?


Peter Green

Peter is a lifelong Tottenham supporter.
Brought up in London he now lives in Dorset.
This is his tribute to Benjamin Obadiah Zephaniah
15/4/1958 - 7/12/2023

Benjamin Obadiah Zephaniah, laureate, poet, town crier
For justice.
A tribute as a keen fan of this modern Renaissance Rasta man
Not to be forgotten.
Activist, author, innovator, disruptor, creator, educator -
All in one with fun.
Not mere word-listing, word cables, superficial trite labels
He was all of them.
Hymnal rap rhythms, lyrical, musical, earthy angelical
Sprinkling gritty star dust.
Prophetic voice of an immigrant generation pricking the nation
With words of worth -
Poems of mirth, humour, satire, with ire, fire and desire
For social change.
His words ever alive, critiques with style and a smile
Barbs, bite but no bile.
Verses of verve, versatile, original, unpredictable swerves
(Rising above the curves of criticism),
Controlled, pointed rages, inspiring to all ages,
A modern sage.
Even finding humour in his deathly tumour.
His the legacy that will endure, will last -
He an authentic true iconoclast.

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