Patrick Horn
Patrick claims he is an 'old dodderer' from Parbold in Lancashire.
The rain, they say,
In Spain,
Stays mainly on the plain.
The rain, we say,
In England,
Is here, there, and everywhere.
Too much rain ,,,,,,
Rain is good for the gardens,
So, the meteorologist says,
But too much and they flood,
And we look like a castaways.
Off to see the cricket,
Is the sun here to stay?
Oh no! Here’s the rain,
So, no play today.
The rain is merciless for tennis,
Wimbledon is largely rained off,
The main courts are covered though,
Which is great if you’re a toff.
Football is played in the rain,
These days there’s no mud,
The game is fast and flashy,
Most often exceedingly good.
My course at Leyland is good,
But - it’s built on clingy clay,
So too much rain, the signs go up,
Course Closed. No Golf Today.
A little and often,
That’s alright,
But not in the day,
Just at night.