Sue Farley
Sue is a friend of mine and a fabulous folk singer and song writer. She wrote this poem many years ago.
He’s gorgeous, he is, really gorgeous.
A sweet, warm-smelling, living baby.
A round, perfect face with tiny chin.
Pink perfect lips asleep in contentment.
Hair fuzzy, but soft, baby-bath smelling.
His lemon baby-grow swimming beyond the tiny legs.
Tiny fingers, gripping one large human finger.
Once he was inside his muffled, heart beating, slow motion world,
Swimming in cocooned protection.
Dependent on this safe, warm world.
Dependent now on those around him,
Who have forgotten about innocence, helplessness and insecurity.
He depends on us now to guide, teach, explain assure and educate.
He’s gorgeous, he is, really gorgeous.
Let’s learn from him.
This tiny perfect creation.