The Garden Event
The carrot tops quivered excitedly and a cauliflower was breathless.
An old garden snail ceased its advance toward a very nervous Hosta.
A Red Admiral took an elevated position on a tall white buddleia.
And peering through the gate was an Old Spot pig from Gloucester.
All the runner beans raised their heads on the old wooden trellis.
Two lambs pushed through the gate past the Gloucester Old Spot.
Emerging slowly from the overgrown hedgerow came an earthworm.
And a hedgehog arrived rather puffed out, after he’d decided to trot.
The noise from the wind ceased. A major event was about to begin.
A perfectly groomed grey squirrel strode to the very centre of the lawn.
He took in the view of the assembled Flora and Fauna and declared,
‘Thank you for joining us here today especially as it’s only just dawn.’
‘We are soon to witness the event we’ve been waiting for all winter.’
‘The occasion that ceremoniously kickstarts the season of spring.’
‘There are so many of you here this morning all eager and enthused.’
‘Please, take a step closer, close ranks and form yourselves into a ring.’
I’d like to introduce to you our protagonists for this morning’s event.
In daffodil corner weighing barely 10 pounds is Tony (long ears) Wares.
In snowdrop corner, a pound lighter, is Geoff Pope; they are our boxing hares.
‘Hares, touch paws, return to your corners. On hind legs and await the bell.’
The bell is sounded and the hares start showering each other with blows.
An unannounced uppercut from Tony shocks Geoff to the very core.
However, dancing on his toes he returns with a left and then a right.
A straight to the tummy, the fight is over, and Tony hits the floor.
Squirrel Ref raises Geoff’s right paw as the Fauna and Flora all cheer.
Tony, the magnanimous loser, now on his feet joins in the applause.
The plants, insects and animals return slowly to their own domains.
Spring has sprung and the countryside is alive again after a winter pause.