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Thorny Poetry
Thorny Poetry

It’s awfully hard work to read dense poetry.
When I read poetry I simply want to relax.
Not to have to delve deep into a dictionary.
Or to think about the damn poem’s syntax.

Pam Ayres was never pretentious.
John Betjeman, he was the same.
Ezra Pound was far too complex.
He needed to be far more tame.

Let’s have a go at this complex stuff,
To see if I can be a little pretentious.
Of course I may change my opinion,
If I’ve been drastically tendentious.

Resembling gnarled hands the trees
Reached out, imploring a scale to manhood.
Triumph just a byproduct, if the orchard is
Laid bare to appease yearning.

Your thoughts would be welcome
A short critique is beseeched
Have I become Ezra Pound?
Or have I over-reached?

Eric Craven | 2024


Website designed by Andy Craven

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