The Town of Regrets
The town of regrets does tattoo removals.
It used to have a post office but no more.
The travel money shop has been well spent.
But the RSPCA and MIND are here for sure.
Banks have been replaced by a hole in the wall.
There’s the grand opening of a food bank soon.
The Mayor will be very keen to do the honours.
After that we’ll all head into the greasy spoon.
Pubs are similar to the Cantina from Star Wars.
With characters as engrained as the stains.
There’s no bistro dining in these hostelries.
A pickled egg in a jam jar is all that remains.
The one arm bandit is singing in the corner.
Enticing punters to share their last pound coin.
There’s a chap outside who’s a loan shark.
Encouraging the unfortunates to join.
The town of regrets was once a thriving place.
With a high street that bristled and shone.
It’s very far from that now, it’s just dreary,
And even the Big Issue sellers have gone.