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Where Is Heather Lowry?
Where Is Heather Lowry?

Where is Heather Lowry?
I think about her hourly.
My first ever girlfriend.
She was my Godsend.
Our first date was walking.
She did most of the talking.
Her garden backed on to ours.
I’d wait there for hours.
I was 12 and she marginally older.
I was desperate to hold her.
Holding hands was oh so nice.
That feeling really has no price.
She’d lay her head on my shoulder.
My teary eye was the beholder.
We went our ways two months later.
She said I was trying to suffocate her.
They moved away and so did we.
That time with Heather stayed with me.
Where is she now I wonder.
I hope to God it’s not six feet under.

Eric Craven | 2024


Website designed by Andy Craven

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