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We’re Royals Son
Well son, I really do think the time has come,
To tell you something about me and your mum.
I know you’ve wondered why I put on a crown,
And when your mum goes out she wears a gown.
The answer is we are The Royals you see.
We don’t go for a pint, we have high tea.
We travel by horse drawn coach a lot.
(It’s bullet proof in case we’re shot.)
On most occasions our job is to wave.
You know Uncle Mike? Well, he’s a knave.
Great Ganny Liz and her husband Phil.
They were old royals – they knew the drill.
Great Aunty Anne and Great Uncle Eddie.
They’re royals too and they’re really steady.
However, before we talk about Great Uncle Andy
I’ll have to pour myself a brandy.
As for you my lad, one day you’ll be King.
You’ll want for nothing son – kerching!
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