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My Negative Traits
My Negative Traits

I’m a cynic, a doubter, and quite a scoffer.
Worryingly, I don’t myself have much to offer.

I’m mistrustful, wary, and extremely cagey.
And not at all unquestioning or new-agey.

I’m derisive, acerbic and rather sarcastic.
In no way could I be called ecclesiastic.

I’m ironic, sardonic, and a bit of a mocker.
As a kid none of these were in my locker.

I’m pessimistic, negative, undoubtedly gloomy.
When I found I had these traits it quite threw me.

I’m fatalistic, resigned, and always a defeatist.
I’m trying to change to be more of a realist.

I’m derisive, scathing, and often disdainful.
Thinking about my attitude I’m really shameful.

I’m guarded, doubtful and terribly suspicious.
However, I like to think I’m quite auspicious.

I’m weary, worn-out and incredibly jaded.
To be more vibrant I want to be persuaded.

Eric Craven | 2024


Website designed by Andy Craven

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