I'd Rather Be Alone
A City Beak – no thanks.
I much prefer my model tanks.
I love my bed and my blankets.
If I won the lottery I’d bank it.
I want for nothing, I live alone.
I wouldn’t care for a mobile phone.
Call me insular I don’t mind.
All my stars are aligned.
Focused on my OU studies,
I don’t mind not having buddies.
Tucking into a M&S Dine-in for one,
To me that’s having a lot of fun.
On my sofa watching television,
Or listening to Joy Division.
I have to worry about no other,
Just a rare cup of tea with my mother.
You say that friends are long lasting.
My experience is quite contrasting.
But I think I’d agree with you fully,
If I hadn’t been persecuted by a bully.
My life in school was made awful.
Things they did were near unlawful.
Perhaps you can see why I’m a solitary sole.
I’m afraid my life isn’t all about rock and roll.