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The Missing Corkscrew
The Missing Corkscrew

In the kitchen at a party people talk.
Wine arrives but minus a corkscrew.
This is a problem that needs sorting.
Two lads and a girl work out what to do.

A screwdriver might push in the cork,
But little bits may float in the wine.
An offer to break the neck of the bottle.
Very clearly their ideas do not align.

Someone suggests a screw and pliers.
Another advises a serrated knife to twist.
Plenty of opinions are forthcoming.
But nothing works, you get the gist.

More pondering and imagination occur.
Still wrestling about what on earth to do.
Finally the wine bringer has the answer.
When in his pocket he finds the corkscrew.

Eric Craven | 2024


Website designed by Andy Craven

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