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Changing Collectives
Pride of lions - Pride of trophy winners
Flock of birds - Flock of midwives
Clutch of chicks - Clutch of handbags
Brood of chickens - Brood of teenagers
Murder of crows - Murder of crime writers
Litter of cubs - Litter of louts
Plague of locusts - Plague of anti-vaxers
Parliament of owls - Parliament of hypocritic liars
Herd of cows - Herd of shepherds
Bed of oysters - Bed of lazy sods
Pack of dogs - Pack of gamblers
Family of sardines - Family of midwives
Murmuration of starlings - Murmuration of cardiac patients
Flight of swallows - Flight of pilots
Bevy of swans - Bevy of alcoholics
Pod of dolphins - Pod of musicians
School of whales - School of driving instructors
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