Time Travelling
If I could time travel to anytime in the past or future where would I go?
I’d want to meet my parents as children and give a hug to Grandad Joe.
Revisiting my toddler days and my first day at school would be a must.
I’d like to drive my Dad’s old Vauxhall Viva before it became full of rust.
I’d be there when Abraham Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Address,
And I’d be in Reykjavik in ‘72 watching Fischer beat Boris Spassky at chess.
Standing next to Neil Armstrong when he said, ‘One giant leap for mankind’,
Watching, all those years ago when the Koh-I-Noor diamond was first mined.
To be a fly on the wall when Guy Fawkes first discussed the gunpowder plot.
Hearing Captain Oates say ‘I may be some time’ on that expedition with Scott.
I’d want to listen to Woody Guthrie when he first sings This Land is My Land.
I’ll be in the courtroom in Rouen when Joan of Arc takes the stand.
I’d love to be in the crowd at Woodstock when Jimmy Hendrix took to the stage.
Standing next to William Shakespeare when his writes his first ever page.
I’ll be there when The Mousetrap, reaches 100 years of consecutive shows.
I will probably want to visit all the Royal Coronations there’s been, I suppose.
I’d like to be sat with Robert Stephenson on his steam train at the Rainhill Trial.
Watching Leonardo da Vinci paint the Mona Lisa, discussing if she should smile.
Being a passer-by as Archimedes ran naked down the streets shouting “Eureka!”
One of the crew when Christopher Columbus first dropped anchor at Costa Rica.
I’ll be next to the first female president of the United States as she is sworn in.
I want to be close at hand when someone punches Vladimir Putin on the chin.
I shall be there when it’s announced the hole in the ozone layer has repaired?
I’ll cheer an international agreement that all resources will be evenly shared.
I’d love to applaud my grandson’s grandson as he receives a Nobel Peace Prize.
To be part of the talk-show audience when Donald Trump admits he told lies.
Watching the first person ever to live to 150 open a telegram from the King.
To be listening to an announcement that no-one now lives on a shoestring.
When Mozambique comes top of the medals table at the 2048 Olympics.
When everything mechanical or electrical becomes dead easy to fix.
I’ll be with the first human settlement when it is established on Mars,
And I’ll join the crew of an interplanetary craft as it heads for the stars.
I do want be there when Kim Jong-un realizes he doesn’t have any friends.
But I certainly don’t want to be present when humanity finally ends.