The Lollipop Brigade
The bravest souls on earth are Lollipop Men and Women.
Courageously they step in front of cars and risk the skids.
To drivers who stop they give a calm and discernible nod.
But get taunts each day from a few hyperactive, unruly kids.
In their fluorescent high-viz coats and peaked black caps
Each drives a gigantic lollipop into the middle of the road.
They exhibit a ‘don’t challenge me’ open palm.
It looks like a driver in a hurry might explode.
Ushering parents, kids and prams across the road.
They casually take stock of the traffic both ways.
A car dares to edge forward far too early
And the driver receives the infamous ‘Lollipop gaze.’
These folks are generally of a certain, older age.
In all weathers, they are there dripping with sweat or rain.
Keeping people safe crossing roads is their objective.
You can rely on Lollipop Brigade time and time again.