Six Touches
We are only six contacts away from meeting every other person.
From the kindest and most pleasant to the absolute worse’n.
Just think, I was six touches away from Martin Luther King.
Six touches from Benny Goodman, the King of Swing.
Six touches from Elvis and six touches from Gladys Knight.
Six touches from Donald Trump. Good God, I hope that’s not right.
Six touches from Marilyn Monroe, Chairman Mao and Einstein.
Six touches from Churchill, Gandhi and that sod Harvey Weinstein.
Six touches from Charlie Chaplin, John Lennon and Mr Bojangles.
But six too many touches from Vanessa Hobbs from the Bangles.
Just six touches from Adolf Hitler and Mao Tse Tung.
Six touches from Sam Allardyce who took that bung.
Six touches from a chimney sweep and a lad in the mines.
Six touches from Murdock and his shameful headlines.
Six touches from the cage fighters Zuckerberg and Musk.
I’d enjoy giving six slaps to each of them just before dusk.
We’re just six touches from everyone else on the Earth.
But obviously there are a few you’d give a wide berth.