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Displays of Happiness
I will fist pump the air. I will clink my glass against yours.
I will raise my arms to heaven. I will kiss the earth.
If you say you love me I’ll dance round the maypole,
Shouting at the very top of my voice, for all I’m worth.
I’ll skip home in the moonlight, I’ll waltz with a stranger.
I will call all my contacts. I will post on Facebook.
If you say you’ll marry me I’ll take an Ad in the paper,
And post a photo of us both so everyone can look.
I will raise a flag. I will buy everyone in the bar a drink.
I will build a bonfire. I will give you the biggest kiss.
If you say we’re having a baby I’ll call a radio station.
I’ll make a statement. My life with you will be bliss.
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