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A Bug's Love
A Bug's Love

With a multi-spot shell like a harlequin
Lily the Ladybird looked rather dapper
And Jeremy the Buff-tailed Bumblebee
Considered himself somewhat of a rapper.

He’d buzz and she’d dance, all day long.
Their friends would nod and crawl on by
But Billy the Narrow-headed Ant stared
And stared some more, giving a loving sigh.

Billy adored a Green Tiger Beetle named Rose.
Only, Rose’s heart had already been taken.
She’d been seeing Pablo, a Peacock Spider
Who lodged in an old hedgerow near Blacon.

Pablo was a very frosty and arrogant sort,
Contrasting the loving and affable Billy.
Rose was one for the bad boys you see.
She found this Narrow-headed Ant quite silly.

Billy plucked up the courage to tackle Pablo,
Thinking this might impress the feckless Rose.
He stood firm and called him a spineless spider.
Pablo was shocked, taken aback, and he froze.

Rose was very impressed she had to admit.
She’d not thought Billy could be that strong.
Sidling up to him she fluttered her beetle lashes.
Billy felt imposing but maybe for an ant this was wrong.

From then onward Billy was resilient and sturdy.
He commanded respect from those who looked on.
Rose really loved being on the arm of Billy.
Until he was eaten by a Scarab Beetle named John.

Eric Craven | 2024


Website designed by Andy Craven

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